an innovative approach to Jewish education that allows each learner the opportunity to discover the richness, culture, history and heritage of Judaism in a variety of ways and a choice of options of study.

based in the home, often with siblings and parents participating in lively discussions, texts, ideas, insights and group projects that are shared and explored.
Tzedaka and mitzvah work in real time, in the community, as together we reach out for social action and change.
that together we can "climb" up Mt. Sinai or cross the "goal line" into the Promised Land as we uncover Torah text and "dig" deeper into its meaning with the ancient wandering Jews.
toss our ideas "over the net" through art, Jewish music, Hebrew and "slide into home" to cook up scrumptious foods to celebrate Shabbat and Holidays.
Join me in this exciting approach to Jewish learning and re-ignite that spark that makes Jewish life fun, joyful and filled with blessings.
Let's PLAY AND PRAY together at
Bar & Bat
The Kids
Prayers &
High Holiday
I worked with Laurel for my Bar Mitzvah. She made the lessons fun and interesting and she made vocal tracks so I could learn my portion with ease. I always looked forward to my lessons with Laurel and she made learning my portion fun, exciting and easy!
Greg Davidson
Greg Davidson