Modim – Grateful
Now that you’re here and I’ve got your attention, let me thank you for visiting my website and being part of my musical journey. It’s not often a person gets to fulfill her dreams but I am truly one of the lucky ones. With the encouragement of family and friends, this project, my labor of love, has come to fruition. I have had so much fun creating this CD along with the help of the wonderful skills and talents of my husband, Chad, and my brother, Allan. They have been a blessing to work with. All the songs I’ve chosen to sing on Modim, Grateful, have a special connection to my life. As you enjoy listening to the music, I pray that your spirit will be lifted and your heart will be moved. I am truly grateful……
I was playing Laurel Barr’s new CD on our porch when my wife came out and not knowing what CD I was listening to, said, ‘Is that Barbara Streisand?’ Laurel has that quality of voice and expression. She sings with her heart…she sings with joy. What a wonderful CD this is.
Thank you for everything.
Rabbi Daniel A. Roberts
Temple Emanu El Clevelandmore rave reviews
Production Scrapbook
Creating this CD has been a 2-year process. After finally selecting the music, (which constantly changed throughout the process), we were ready to begin rehearsal. The drawback? The pianist lived in another state! So we packed our bags, instruments, and kids, and flew down to Orlando, Florida to begin rehearsal and the recording process began. Hours of working out the tempo and keys, style and interpretation and voila! It was time to head to the studio. Hour after hour we’d work to add layer upon layer to the song until each one of us was satisfied. The incredible capabilities of the computer allowed the engineer to “pluck” out one note and reinsert another one at a later time. Now that’s technology!
With half of the CD completed, we returned home to let our creative juices flow once again and prepare the second half of the CD. I carefully selected other pieces; added to the list, detracted and finally came up with the right mix. Soon after, we flew Allan, my brother and our keyboard man up to Cleveland to finish up this project. And finally this summer, it was complete. From the recording studio, to the photography studio, to the graphics studio, and finally, to the packaging and production company, we had arrived. I now present the finished product, Modim, Grateful to you. My gratitude to all those who participated in this great project; Chad, Allan, Sharon, Marge, Lawrence and Jon, we did it! Thanks for all your hard work. And to those of you, who share in this music, enjoy!!!
L’dor Vador
V’al Kulam
When You Believe
Al Shlosha D’varim
Prayer for the State of Israel
Far From the Home I Love
Chanukah in Santa Monica
Sim Shalom
If I Could
A magnificent voice that truly smiles, one filled with warmth, heartfelt emotion, and most of all love! Simply a joy to listen to.
Peter Moisiomore rave reviews

When I first got my hands on Laurel’s new CD, I was so impressed that it never left my auto tape player for months. We all became addicted to her soothing voice. She’s so contagious – You need to sing along !!!! Laurel, Thanks for sharing your beautiful music with us.
Sallie Reidermore rave reviews